Analysis and performance optimization existing systems
The value of a million-dollar investment in an intralogistics system can be significantly increased if hidden performance potential is found and leveraged.
In other words: Future investments could be postponed despite growing turnover. That is profitable in terms of the customer's liquidity.
Systems' performances are constantly increasing with the ongoing development of IT and electromechanics technology. But at the same time costs and complexity are rising and with them the hidden performance potential. In the past, the required number of experts, needed to leverage hidden potentials were only available to a very limited extent or they were simply overwhelmed by the constantly growing data volume. In the consequence often only partial solutions could be achieved.
The cooperation between IBKlug & ARIKI solves these bottlenecks by multiplying the expert potential of a few experienced experts through the AI-supported analysis tool package, appropriately called Time Machine. With the use of modern software and IT.
Log data for each handling unit is collected at all key points in the system over any length of time. Intelligently structured, the processes are broken down into time slices of seconds or even milliseconds to be then analyzed using pattern recognition. The enormous computing capacity required for this can be provided through efficient cloud computing. Logistics experts evaluate the pre-processed data using intelligent dashboards and provide recommendations for action to maximize the use of hidden performance potential. Lost times like of humans waiting for machine or vice versa get eliminated.
The increased performance potential of previously optimized systems, including Globus and Mayoral, ranged between 15 and 30%.